Surprises all 'round!
First, you made it QUITE clear that you were hungry. I don't know WHAT you did at school today, but you sure worked up an appetite!!! You were messing with the bread, trying to get some out. So I gave you the chocolate bar that I'd bought for you on the way home from picking your sisters up from school. You had that, came and pinched me again, and pulled me into the kitchen, grabbing at the bread again. So I gave you an apple. You ate that, and the next thing I know, you come waltzing into the living room carrying 2 slices of bread. Yup... you finally figured out how to get the darned bread open!

Later, you were out in the garden, and I'd made your dinner (nothing fancy tonight, just a sandwich and some cheese crackers). I called to you when it was done, and asked you to come into the kitchen. You looked up as soon as I said your name, and came right to me. That was the first time... EVER... that you specifically followed directions!!! Another one for the record books!!!

Then, even later, I was out in the front garden talking to May and keeping an eye on your sisters at the same time. You decided you wanted to come out, too. I didn't have a problem with that, but I wanted you to stay in the garden, because you have a tendency to run off down the street, and I gotta tell you... you run FAST!!! You'd gotten out of the house at one point, because Lexi forgot to close the gate behind her, and by the time I'd caught up with you, you were more than halfway down the street!!!
At one point, you'd gotten out of the garden, but you ran down to one of the neighbor's houses and stopped, because a couple of kids were in the sidewalk, fixing their bikes. Your turned around, ran back to where we were, and then did it again. I figured okay... fine. If you're just going to go between here and there, then that's fine. But after doing that two or three times, you finally figured out how to get AROUND those kids... YIKES!!!

Well, Charlene took you into their garden, and you ended up going in the house. You were going in and out pretty much all evening. But since they have a gate in their garden, it was fine, as you don't know how to open any doors or gates.
You surprised the hell out of them, too, though. They didn't know that you liked books, and you sat on Charlene's bed, putting a book in your lap like you usually do. Anybody who didn't know you would swear you were reading the darned thing!

At one point, Charlene was in there doing some cleaning up, and she'd put the stereo on. Apparently you really liked the song she was playing, because you started smiling and dancing around.
You didn't want to come in at 9:00, when I took your sisters in. I had to literally drag your butt in the house. And then, as I was cleaning your sisters up for bed, you kept coming into the bathroom, obviously wanting something from me. I can tell by the look on your face when you want something. I got your sisters to bed, and asked you what you wanted.
You wanted to go back outside!!!!

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