Fine! I'll sit... HERE!
But something happened last night that was just too funny... and I just happened to have the camera sitting right next to me, so I was able to catch it right away.
See, Syrina is pretty much a food addict. She'd eat all day long if we let her. Anything and everything - I don't think this kid has met a food she didn't like. And if she's NOT eating, that's a really good way to know that there's something wrong. Her school has even noticed how big a deal food is to her, and they use it as a reward for her doing what they want her to do.
And she's got this uncanny ability to KNOW that her dad and I are sitting down to eat OUR dinner (we eat after the kids have gone to bed), even in her SLEEP.
It never fails. Last night, I finished making our dinner, and went to tell hubby that it was ready. I had to pass up Syrina's room on the way, and looked in. She was asleep. I came back to the living room, sat down, and proceeded to eat my dinner while hubby went into the kitchen to get his off the counter. I had barely started eating when Syrina appeared out of nowhere. She tried grabbing food off Daddy's plate... Daddy smacked her hand with his fork. So she came over to me. Uh-uh, kid. You already had your dinner, you ain't getting mine too! So she tried to sit next to me (because she thinks that if she sits down real nice, I'll relent and give her some), but I was all the way on the one end of the couch. I tried to gently push her away, but she was being way too stubborn. So what did she do?

The funny thing was, she looked so comfortable sitting there! Hubby and I were laughing our butts off, and she's just looking at us like "What? What's so funny?" Which, of course, made us laugh even harder.
This kid is a hoot, I'm telling ya.
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